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Lifestyle: Relaxation, Mindfulness and Sleep Hygiene by Diane-Lyn 

Oh life! It just never lets up. Stress, pressure, and tension. Worry and strain. Mean-spirited people. Deadlines. Never-ending to-do lists. It adds up. It builds and builds. It brings us down. Our emotional and physical health pay the price. Sadly, we are living in an extremely demanding time in our society. As we all know, anxiety and depression are more common now than ever before, in both adults and children.

I know it’s impossible to completely eliminate stress from my life. There will always be something going on, and I do tend to be a worrier by nature. Unfortunately, worrying and insomnia often coexist. This happens because most worriers, like myself, are also overthinkers who are incapable of turning off their thoughts long enough to fall asleep. The good news is that we have options for dealing with these issues. Personally, I am not a huge fan of medication. I prefer to get calm and centered naturally and have found a few simple techniques that are quite effective. Lately, I’ve been hearing so much about the importance of healthy, mindful bedtime routines, also known as sleep hygiene. I decided to implement a few changes and the results have truly been life changing. Sleeping better at night makes me more equipped to deal with the challenges of the day. Of course, habits are hard to break and doing so requires consistent discipline, but it is well worth the effort. Here are a few changes I made for restful, stress-free sleep.

I put an end to evening screen time and technology…

I made it a point to have absolutely no internet or screen time after dinner. Read that again (yes, you read it correctly). Write it down on a bunch of sticky notes and post them all over your house, because this one requires constant reminding. Oh, this one is hard! Really and truly hard! I’m the first to admit that I had a tough time with this step, especially in the beginning. It took me a long time to fully put this into practice because like many people, I was glued to my phone 24/7. There was always “just one last thing” to check. Why? Because we worriers are constant checkers. Then there were those emails that couldn’t wait until morning, Why? Because in this age of lightning fast technology, we have lost our ability to wait for anything. Indeed, no screen time at night was difficult until it became a consistent habit. In order to do this, I needed an alternative. I needed a calming distraction to replace the television and devices. My love of reading helped. As many of you know, I am an avid reader and book lover. Nothing relaxes me more than curling up with an engaging story and a piping hot cup of sleep-inducing tea before bed. Reading had always centered me because with a great book, I am focused on something other than my phone and my stress. Sometimes I add in aroma therapy with a soothing, steamy lavender bath which does wonders to melt stress and take me away from screens. Lavender has long been known to induce sleep and ease anxiety. Alternatively, calming essential oils are just as effective. I invested in a good diffuser which sits on my nightstand, and is turned on about 30 minutes before bed time. There is nothing more peaceful than a lightly scented room of lavender and chamomile at bedtime. Nighty-night!

I transformed our bedroom into a sleep haven…

With a little effort, I created a sleep haven out of our bedroom. Sleep experts recommend that a place of slumber be quiet and easy on the eye. I kept it simple; nothing fancy or expensive. All a bedroom needs is to be clean, attractive and most importantly, uncluttered – especially the bed. After a long day, nobody wants to face heaps of wrinkled sheets in disarray, or piles of laundry that need to be cleared off. I now spend less than two minutes each morning making a neat and tidy bed. There is nothing more inviting than a clean, crisp, nicely made bed to crawl into at the end of the day. It’s all about order. We live in a small townhouse, so having everything neat and orderly is a challenge given the limited space. While it isn’t easy to part with things, I did end up donating several unused items and that made a huge difference. For the rest, I invested in some lidded, stackable and collapsible pretty closet organizers to keep clutter out of sight. The room is now less busy, more tranquil, and sleep-friendly. Welcome to dreamland!

I transitioned to earlier, lighter evening meals…

Eating a late, heavy evening meal is not a sleep-friendly habit. I have always regarded the evening meal as the biggest of the day, but going to bed feeling stuffed can really hinder sleep. We started eating earlier whenever our schedules allowed. Additionally, after doing some research, I learned that certain foods can induce sleep (turkey, cherries, sweet potatoes, salmon) while others (sweets, heavy, high-fat foods) keep us awake. I now eat less at dinnertime in order to avoid being overstuffed at bedtime. Oh, this was a tough one too – but over time it gets easier. It was also fun experimenting with delicious, lighter fare recipes. Bon appetit!

I spend a few minutes a day with mindfulness videos…

There are some wonderful, free wellness and meditation videos online. I took me some time to really get into focusing on these, but once I did, they were amazing. Here are a couple of favorites that I found on YouTube. The first is great for busy people as it is quick and can be done anywhere. It is called 5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere. The second is specific to anxiety – 10-Minure Meditation for Anxiety. Check these out! Now breathe…..just breathe…

It was only recently when I fully started to realize the importance of taking care of my mind as well as my physical health. These changes have made an enormous difference! When I wake up refreshed, my entire outlook improves, and that is critical for good mental health. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I welcome comments. Have a great day and I wish you all sweet dreams tonight! Zzzzzzz…

Note: The above links are Amazon affiliate links, which only means that when you click the link and make a purchase, I receive a tiny commission at no additional cost to you. All of the items described and linked above are products that I have used and love. Happy shopping!

Featured banner image: Photo by alleksana from Pexels, Post image: Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

Hello Readers, Welcome to The Cozy Book Blog by Diane-Lyn! I am thrilled to be a part of the book tour for The Factory Girl and the Fey by Nadine Galinsky Feldman. Many thanks to Amy Bruno at Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours for the invite. Enjoy the tour and happy reading!
The Factory Girl and the Fey, Nadine Galinsky Feldman
Jane Thorburn straddles two worlds: her life as a “factory girl” in Scotland’s mills, and her birthright as fairy royalty. Abandoned by her parents as an infant, and uncertain about the true motives of the Fey, she learns to depend only on herself. All she wants is to be a great weaver and to maintain her independence.

The Fair Folk, fighting for their very survival, have other plans for her, as does the handsome and charismatic Robert Stein. What life will she choose? And will she even have a choice?

A historical fantasy inspired by the author’s ancestors, The Factory Girl and the Fey is an affectionate tribute to the women who helped fuel Scotland’s Industrial Age, from the workers to the poets…and to the Fey who remind us that magic is real when we believe in it.

Publication Date: October 14, 2021

Genre: Historical Fiction/Fantasy

 About the Author

Nadine Galinsky Feldman is an author of women’s and historical fiction. Her novel What She Knew was a finalist in the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book awards. The Foreign Language of Friends was a finalist in the 2012 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, Chick Lit category. It was also named a Gold Medal Winner, Women’s Issues, in the 2011 eLit Book Awards.

As an editor, Nadine produced Patchwork and Ornament: A Woman’s Journey of Life, Love, and Art by Jeanette Feldman, which won the 2010 Indie Excellence Award for Best Memoir.

Her first book, When a Grandchild Dies: What to Do, What to Say, How to Cope, provided grief support to an underserved population.

When not working on her many writing projects, Nadine loves traveling, gardening, genealogy, and yoga. She lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York state.

Purchase Other People’s Children here: https://amzn.to/3qs6MjX. Please note that this is an affiliate link, which only means that when you click the link and purchase the book, I receive a tiny commission at no additional cost to you. Happy reading!

Synopsis & Review:

Longing for a child and being unable to have one is a heart wrenching human experience. From the time we are young, we have a vision – an expectation, really – of how our lives will unfold. We get older and enter into loving marriages. We purchase homes with yards in anticipation of starting a family. Then, when the time comes, the fortunate ones enjoy a smooth and successful transition into parenthood, while others are faced with a cruel cycle of rising hope followed by crushing disappointment month after month. Or pregnancies that result in miscarriages – over and over again.

When Gail and Jon Durbin realized they were expecting, they moved into a new home in the suburbs to start their family. Sadly, the pregnancy resulted in what would be the first in a series of miscarriages – each of them sending the couple further and further into crippling grief. Finally, they decided to adopt, but soon learned the process is much more complex than they ever could have imagined. After some failed adoption attempts they met Carli, a pregnant teenager from a blue collar and financially strapped family. Carli had dreams of creating a future brighter than her past. She was determined to leave behind her mother’s highly dysfunctional, toxic home and pursue a college education. Having a baby would prevent her from moving beyond the life she was living, and most of all, she wanted something better for her child. Carli’s decision to place her baby up for adoption became a major point of contention between she and her mother, Marla. Marla wasn’t ready to give up her grandchild, and she would do anything to prevent this from happening.

Wow! Where do I begin? Asking me to put down this book would have been like asking me to stop breathing. Other People’s Children delivers a twisting, turning and highly emotional plot. This debut novel by R.J Hoffmann tackles the complex, gut wrenching legal process of adoption. Hoffmann presents adoption issues poignantly, yet realistically, in a book that is extremely well-written and well developed. Other People’s Children explores issues of poverty and the ever-present socioeconomic divides, yet reminds us that maternal love knows no boundaries. It touches every human emotion – sadness, anger, joy, love, grief. Hoffmann delves deeply into the complexity of human beings, and reminds us of how we are forever shaped by our pasts. There are additional themes of mental illness, loss, substance abuse, marriage, and of course, adoption. Each chapter focuses on the point of view of a character, giving them an increased level of depth and a powerful voice. Finally, Other People’s Children raises tough questions about what defines a family, who deserves to be a parent, and how far a mother will go for her child.

Reading this novel somewhat reminded me of the Baby Jessica case back in the early 1990s, but it was so much easier to take sides in that situation. At the beginning of the book, I was rooting passionately for the Durbins. However, as the characters evolved it became harder and harder to know who to root for, and my heart just broke for both parties. Carli’s character matured throughout the novel and she made so many selfless decisions for the sake of her baby. Her circumstances were truly desperate, and she was doing her best to put her child first. Clearly, both parties loved that baby. Both were in excruciating pain. Both made desperate, unimaginable decisions in the name of love. Still, there could only be one winner. I think even King Solomon would have struggled with this one. There were no easy answers.

Other People’s Children is a deeply moving and highly relatable novel. All parents (adoptive and biological) will connect. I enjoyed this novel immensely and would be interested to see where each character is in five years. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel. The emotional pull of the characters has me longing to revisit them later on as their future remained somewhat open-ended at the conclusion of the book. In any case, I look forward to reading more from this author. Bravo to R.J Hoffman on a magnificent debut!

Foster care is risky. Adoption is risky. Love itself is always risky.”  – Orphan Justice

There is no friendship, and no love, like that of the parent for the child.” – Henry Ward Beecher

Check out my About Me page! https://www.thecozybookblog.com/about/